How to change the world

It’s all too common for autistic people to be victimised, which is an extremely bad thing, but how to change it? Autistic people can be total prats ourselves, and we’re capable of bigotry and just as many bad things as any other human. So it’s not that we’re poor little people who need the world to look after us like helpless children. It’s easy to get very angry about the ways in which the world is cruel to people who are different and that anger can be absolutely right. But anger may not be the best way to change things right now.

I get very angry about a lot of things – including how my fellow autistics get treated all too often. But in order to change that I (we) need to persuade the world to see us as fully human. Boring, normal and ordinary. And shouting angrily at people may not be the most persuasive way to do that. We’re approaching the season of the Christian year when people thing about how their lives could and should be better: the season of Lent. It’s a big trait in Christian thinking that rather than telling other people off, you should sort yourself out first. Being an example of how the world ought to be is more effective than wagging a finger. And I’m fully aware that Christians are not always particularly good at doing that and self-righteously wagging a finger at other people is sooo much more fun than being a better person yourself. So much, so human.

My Christian year

I’ve been blogging since August but I’ve also managed a sequence of blogs bouncing off seasonal Christian themes running from Advent at the start of December 2022 to Pentecost 2023 last week and now it’s Trinity Sunday which in my mind at least is the last of the big hoo-hah Sundays of the Christian year. We now go into endless “Sundays after Trinity” until we get into the big Remembrance events of November and start all over again with Advent.

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