What I don’t want to hear…

I talk about autism carrying a lot of stigma but I don’t often spell out what that means and I realise I probably should. There are lots of turns of phrase in our language that aren’t great for autistic people ranging from the well-intentioned mistake to fairly naked prejudice. What follows is a collection of ones I’ve personally encountered in the last five years in a range of settings. These are the kinds of things I really don’t want to hear.

What I don’t want to hear…

I talk about autism carrying a lot of stigma but I don’t often spell out what that means and I realise I probably should. There are lots of turns of phrase in our language that aren’t great for autistic people ranging from the well-intentioned mistake to fairly naked prejudice. What follows is a collection of ones I’ve personally encountered in the last five years in a range of settings. These are the kinds of things I really don’t want to hear.

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