But it’s true so why are you arguing??

A pitfall I’ve often fallen into at work is assuming that because something is true it doesn’t need to be advocated for. Or indeed that the facts are always a winning argument. It doesn’t make sense to my autistic brain that emotional considerations have to be dealt with as well but it’s definitely true. I’ve been picked up in feedback a number of times for having failed to “take people on a journey” with me. This sounds like I’m about to condemn the neurotypical world for being illogical but actually I’m just as emotion-driven myself – I just autistically forget that it’s an aspect of humanity when it comes to other people. For example, I know my buying decisions are influenced by whether the package is a nice colour as much as by whether the product is good quality – that’s not logical. But then I get annoyed when those around me aren’t logical. There are definitely a few pitfalls that autistic leaders need to avoid like that, and I’d like to start getting them better known.

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