Holocaust Memorial Day

I wasn’t going to write anything specifically about Holocaust Memorial Day because I feared intruding on a grief that isn’t really mine. (So far as I know I have no Jewish or Gypsy, Roma or Traveller heritage, am not gay, and nor has my family been involved in any genocide that I know of.) However, I did know that the Nazis killed a lot of people with disabilities and that let me to some research. And that research led me to a heart-breaking quotation from a talk given by Professor Edith Sheffer on Autism and Disability in Nazi Vienna.

Holocaust Memorial Day

I wasn’t going to write anything specifically about Holocaust Memorial Day because I feared intruding on a grief that isn’t really mine. (So far as I know I have no Jewish or Gypsy, Roma or Traveller heritage, am not gay, and nor has my family been involved in any genocide that I know of.) However, I did know that the Nazis killed a lot of people with disabilities and that let me to some research. And that research led me to a heart-breaking quotation from a talk given by Professor Edith Sheffer on Autism and Disability in Nazi Vienna.

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