New Year Impending…

The New Year is coming fast and that’s a time for new beginnings and endless possibility, right? You might be thinking that this year you’re resolving to learn a language, write a book, lose a stone, run a marathon, get a new job, or something similarly impressive. “Nothing is impossible!” you may be saying to yourself (or reading on “inspirational” memes that cover some parts of the internet). In contrast I’d like to say: stop. The things that were impossible this year are probably still going to be impossible next year. Yes – you might well do great things, but if you’ve tried to do something over and over again and it hasn’t worked yet, it might be a good idea not to stake your sense of self-worth on doing it this time. I’d like to be really clear at this turn of the year that what you’ve achieved this year doesn’t determine your worth, and what you achieve next year won’t either. Achievement really does NOT equal worth.

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